Noise Vinyl arrived today!

July 24th, 2007

As I’ve mentioned before, I submitted a loop to the Noise Vinyl project. The disc is a so calles locked groove disc, in other words a disc with a number of loops going forever, rather than a continuous track with a beginning and an end. The noise vinyl project is a community project where several artists contribute. My contribution is Gameboy loop, not surprisingly.
Today my vinyls finally arrrived, after a little fuck-up where my friend who helped me with paypal used an old home address of his. The package floated around in Linköping for a few weeks before going back to USA for a final trip to me.
Their vinyls come in tasty colors. I got two red ones, one orange and one black. I imagine there are yet other colors too.

The Noise Vinyl v3 is for sale to the public now!

Here are some pics:
My Noise Vinyls
My noise records and a few other random items. Me staging a photo?? Nooononono!

Red Noise Vinyl on record player
The red hot record playing my loop

The rubber duck “Kommandotolken” (The wF mascot) and my Skullcandy headphones.

Me, (nitro2k01) "kommandotolken&quote; and redboy
Here we have me, mr rubber duck again, and my precious Redboy!

One Response to “Noise Vinyl arrived today!”

  1. Noise Vinyl says:

    Yes this is real! Also worth mentioning is this record is bundled with V2 which contains 53 LOCKED GROOVES of any kind of stuff..

    a small limited supply is available at the site!

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