New track: Nitrojazz
January 26th, 2010Time for some NES-eque and short but sweet Gameboy jazz. Listen at
Back from NorbergFestival 2008 (Video and image dump)
July 28th, 2008
Left: Foona, (Roots dub) Right: Ayhan Aydin (Illbient)
I’m back from the Norberg Festival, and I had a great time. A shout out to some of the great artists: nordloef, Foona, Dj Peter Ericsson, Bitmobilen, PH1 Axid Cerw, all of the X-Dumpians, Veqtor, AWT, Food for Animals, Ayhan Aydin and to finish off the perfect Saturday evening, some breakcore from Babyshaker and Bong-Ra.
Below is a video of my own gig. More snippets available in this Youtube playlist.
LDL by nitro2k01 (Me) Nevermind the inrt2o0k bollocks!
This brings me to another point. You might be wondering why I’m not using any Gameboys or anything on stage in those videos. Here’s the story: About two weeks before an SD card in my M3DS crashed. (I’m using the Lameboy emulator for the DS - actually pretty handy and pretty clean sound as well.) Because of this, 6 months worth of work went down the drain in an instant. I trusted an SD card to be a stable form of storage and didn’t even have a backup. (Gah!!)
So, I had to rush together a live set, using only pre-recorded material. I could’ve brought a real DMG and played some of my old stuff, but I figured I’d better just use my computer for everything this time.
Because of the data crash, I collected all the songs that I had actually recorded before the crash and made 10 CD’s that I sold on the festival. Each with a limited edition number and a hand drawn CD cover. The CD is called “Lost Tracks” due to the fact the source files for the tracks on it were lost. I wish to thank all of the people who bought a copy! I’m planning to release these songs as a free net release on OXO Unlimited, but if you’re interested in buying a physical copy with a hand drawn cover, don’t hesitate to contact me.
I’m going to use the small profit I made from it to buy a WiiMote. My plan for the future is to pre-record a number of loops and play around with on the fly using a combo of Ableton Live and Reaktor.
Left: Acid Balloon at camp303 Right: Veqtor’s Mac
nitro2k01, Veqtor, Awt (OXO Unlimited) @ Norberg Festival 2008 - July 24-26
July 4th, 2008
Original post at OXO Unlimited



We’ve managed to put together a whole OXO-Unlimited showcase consisting of Awt, nitro2k01 and Veqtor for this year’s Norberg festival!
Babyshaker will be playing too, but had already been snatched to represent the Oslo Break Fest Crew. Oerfil will be throwing down some massive acid business with our common friend, Marcus Ihlar as Ph1 AxXxid Crew and lots more!
I highly recommend this festival for anyone living in europe who is still thinking about what to do between the 24th and 27th of July.
We’re of course not the only great artists who’ll be playing there, Skream, Bong-Ra, Ars Dada & the OBF crew, Mats Lindström, Mattias Petersson, Psilodump and Zabutom are just some of the other excellent artists who’ll be entertaining you this year!
nitro2k01 @ En Festival i 8 Bitar, May 17, Västerås (Sweden)
May 15th, 2008
Hiiya! I was booked in the last minute for En Festival i 8 Bitar (A Festival in 8-bit) in Västerås, Sweden. It’s a two day festival for 8-bit music taking place this weekend, and I’ll be playing at May 17, 7 PM.
nitro2k01 @ Microdisko, Stockholm 18.03.08
March 19th, 2008
Prepare for some Gameboy goodness this friday. I’ll start playing at 9 PM, so be there early!
Blippblopp-festival på Lava, Stockholm, 27-28 oktober
October 24th, 2007Den här helgen så anordnar Kulturhuset/Lava i samarbete med microdisko och OXO Unlimited en tvådagarsfestival i DIY-kulturens tecken. Det kommer att bli live-framträdanden av några av Sveriges bästa artister och workshops där du kan prova på chipmusik, breakcore och circuitbending.
Själv kommer jag hålla i en workshop i LSDj och spela även spela live.
Inget inträde, ingen åldersgräns, kom, kom, kom!
Information på microdiskos hemsida
Evenemangets Myspace, med musikprov
Info på Kulturhusets hemsida
Three videos (Moshpit 2007, Moxibustor)
September 21st, 2007Please excuse the really crappy quality of these videos, but this all I got at the moment. The first one is a video of me, and the second one is of Boy vs Bacteria. The third video is a video of me playing with The Moxibustor, my glitch oscillator.
Both the videos from Moshpit are shot by Fredrik Stolpe (Cornbeast)
nitro2k01 @ Moshpit Open 2007
Boy vs Bacteria @ Moshpit Open 2007
Me playing with the first prototype of The Moxibustor.
nitro2k01 on Moshpit Open 2007, 1 September
August 23rd, 2007
So after some communication problems (Pun intended) it’s now official. I’ll be playing at the Moshpit 2007 festival. The festival is mainly an emo/rock festival, but this year they decided to dedicate one stage to electronic music, mainly chip music. (The battle stage) My fellow microdisko organizers Cornbeast and nxpnsv will play there too, as well as 7 others.
I find annoying how they mispelt my nickname. (nitro2kl instead of nitro2k01) But I don’t blame them too much, even I had a problem with it the first week I used it, so no wonder someone who types it for the first time gets it wrong.
Info: (In Swedish)
Datum: 1 september 2007
Plats: Folkets Hus, Nykvarn, Stockholm, Sweden (Resinfo)
Inträde: 100 sek förköp eller 150 kr i dörren
Åldersgräns: Ingen (Alkoholfritt)
Lineup: Se affischen
Hemsida: och
Yesterday’s dj set at piratbion and a Super Mario wallpaper
May 14th, 2007Yesterday I dj’d at a support party for Piratbion (The Swedish pirate cinema project) I mostly played happy danceable chip music but also some techno and drum’n'bass. All in all it was fun and the crowd enjoyed the music. I think I managed to get the music going pretty well even though I only used winamp rather than some big cheesy piece of software like Traktor. The simple reason is that my computer is too slow. (Traktor runs, but skips and stalls form time to time)
Now I just regret that I forgot to blog about it before it happened. But pictures from the event will be available as soon as someone has time to upload them. I’ll give it a post when that happens.
During the show I also received a little note with a myspace address on it for a project called Electronic Yuuka. I don’t know what to think about it. It’s the same kinda “I don’t care”-electro music as NSR+BBF and MaléolPastek. It can certainly be nice sometimes, but it’s not my kind of everyday music.
I really fell in love with the drawing though. What is it? My best guess is “A dark red lemon with a face on it”, but if you have a better guess, tell me!
Before I went up there, I was bored, and I thought my wallpaper of L was a bit outdated. (Especially since he died a few episodes ago) So I decided to make a new one, honoring the 8-bit theme of the night. It’s a Super Mario wallpaper for your desktop background. I’m actually pretty satisfied with it.
The only thing I’m not satisfied with is the fact that it’s only 1024*768. That’s ok for my laptop screen, but might not look good in other resolutions. So if you just neeeed it in another resolution, leave a comment and I’ll make a pixel faithful version for your resolution.
I may also do other versions, for example one for each kind of power-up, if there’s an interest in it. Again, leave me a comment and I’ll see what I can do.
I’d also like to have some guesses as for which game the graphics are from. No, it’s not as obvious as it looks.
And last but not least, a little plug for my cousin Gabriel’s myspace. He’s a psytrance producer, and he finally got confident enough to put out his stuff. It’s not really my cup o’tea, if you know what I mean, but it’s really well produced and worth the listen!