Download my music from TuneSquare!

August 3rd, 2007

I found this new place, TuneSquare, which is a music sharing community for artists and listeners, that claims that they will pay artists based on downloads. (They show an ad for each download)
It’s still in a beta phase, so they money exchange system is not active yet, so I don’t know how that part works yet. However, there’s a competition going on where the most popular artist will win some money and a cell phone.
Help me do that dy downloading the music of nitro2k01 from TuneSquare. Please support me by downloading my music from that link. I will also release some previously unavailable material on that site only.
Thanks in advance.

8 Responses to “Download my music from TuneSquare!”

  1. dj datavirus627 says:


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  2. dj datavirus627 says:

    my new demo music is acid hardcore stil


    go to my chat :-)

  3. dj datavirus627 says:

    ny stila av music :-)

    my new demo music is acid hardcore stil


    go to my chat :-)

  4. dj datavirus627 says:

    ok mina vänner här är mitt ny ip


    och finns lite mer ny musik och ladda


  5. dj datavirus627 says:

    join to #natt&liv


  6. dj datavirus627 says:



  7. dj-datavirus627 says:

    download my album

  8. dj-datavirus627 says:

    i m back new stuf :)

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