Ureshii needs your help! (QC and editors)

September 4th, 2007

I’m following Dennou Coil (Subbed by Ureshii) but lately they’ve been suffering from some delays due to lack of personnel. (Which is almost worse than C&D’s… :/ ) Dennou Coil is a children’s animé which has been described as “Cyberpunk for kids” and “Not cyberpunk, but not not cyberpunk” by different people. It’s not everybody’s cup of tea, (Naruto, Bleach, blergh :p ) but I really like it.
I doubt people who read my blog are more likely than Ureshii’s readers to be what they’re looking for, but it’s worth a try. So if you think you can do animé quality check or editing, please contact Ureshii!

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