Lemon Gameboy Music Tracker
October 31st, 2007As you may or may not now, I actively check my referrers to see where people come from, and what they searched for when they ended up at my blog. Sometimes I find really interesting things, and this is one of them.
Someone from Czech (Hello ) searched for lemon tracker gameboy. This tool has totally passed me by. It is appearantly a tracker without its own sequencer. Instead, it converts modules made with FT2 to its own format. I have still to check it out, but it seems to be a decent player that was abandoned before it was done, and no sources exist for LMP 2, as far as I can find. And no good contact info either. (Edit: I found a way now)
If the person searching for it sees this, a mirror of his site is available here: http://members.fortunecity.com/lemon26/. (Including source code for LMP 1 and a demo of LMP 2)
I’m actually considering disassembling the LMP2 demo and extract and maybe improve the player engine, if I get the time to it. I’m convinced I can do it with some time and effort, but if I’m going to give it a try, I want at least one person to say they want me to do it. I’m also contacting Gilles (Lemon) about this, and I’ll see if he’ll answer.
August 16th, 2011 at 5:20 pm
Hi there

I stumble on your page while searching some info about gameboy, and it was a pleasant surprise to see that I’m not the only one still loving his gameboy
lmn (aka Zoltar from Atz…)