ADLib Tracker

March 4th, 2008

More Youtube! This time it’s my Pentium 100 MHz laptop playing som AD lib tunes with ADLib Tracker ][. The tunes are Chipmunk, Comic Bakery and Super Mario Land Theme, from the collection of modules that comes with the program. Someday I'll try to sit down and track something myself. And some other day maybe I will tell the story of how I managed to use HDD in the laptop, where the CD used to be. Without the consent of the BIOS.

One Response to “ADLib Tracker”

  1. Gamma Goblin says:

    I’ve not done much tracking myself. The first tracker I came across was on my Amiga 500 but I didn’t have a clue what it was back then. A few years ago I started getting into Jeskola Buzz. While its a super application, my interest didn’t last for long in it.

    Gamma Goblin’s last blog post..Carroll’s Quay Car Park Today

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