Yay, my Mac crashed!
October 16th, 2009
Last night, my Mac crashed. For real. The thing core dumped without warning or apparent reason. Maybe because I’m using MacFUSE/NTFS-3G? A very rare occurrence in Snow that I’ve stumbled upon? I’m not sure, but I shat brix when I saw it.
Also, notice that despite the monitor, this is not a Hackintosh. As the text says, it’s a MacBook, apparently version “3,1″, which I’ve connected to an external screen and keyboard because the internal screen and keyboard are broken.
November 2nd, 2009 at 6:08 am
haha! “System uptime in nanoseconds: 278055745675128″
November 2nd, 2009 at 1:19 pm
Hmm yeah. I reckon the CPU has an internal register which counts up every CPU cycle, so the actual resolution might be even finer than ns.
278055745675128 ns
278055745675 μs
278055745 ms
278055 s
4634 min
77 h 14 min
3 days 5 h 14 min
January 27th, 2010 at 12:29 am
Testa Snow Leopards inbyggda stöd för NTFS istället för NTFS-3G?
Enable native NTFS read/write support