Akiba-kei (Song preview)
September 21st, 2007Please excuse the background noise. Something went havoc with my sound card, and the noise was all over. I’ll re-record once I get it sorted out.
Other than that, this is a tune produced in less than 24 hours, which is uncommon for me. (Usually takes months from start to finish, if I ever finish it)
I’ll probably release the sav for this one, once I’ve ploished it a bit.
Download my music from TuneSquare!
August 3rd, 2007I found this new place, TuneSquare, which is a music sharing community for artists and listeners, that claims that they will pay artists based on downloads. (They show an ad for each download)
It’s still in a beta phase, so they money exchange system is not active yet, so I don’t know how that part works yet. However, there’s a competition going on where the most popular artist will win some money and a cell phone.
Help me do that dy downloading the music of nitro2k01 from TuneSquare. Please support me by downloading my music from that link. I will also release some previously unavailable material on that site only.
Thanks in advance.
Lavotrino (Beta)
August 1st, 2007Something I made when experimenting with some piano VST plugins. It’s tracked rather than played, if you wonder. People with formal music training will probably find a lot of things to complain about, but hopefully someone will like it. :p
It’s not done, there lot of things to be done. (Like adding velocity, and actually finishing it!)
Noise Vinyl arrived today!
July 24th, 2007As I’ve mentioned before, I submitted a loop to the Noise Vinyl project. The disc is a so calles locked groove disc, in other words a disc with a number of loops going forever, rather than a continuous track with a beginning and an end. The noise vinyl project is a community project where several artists contribute. My contribution is Gameboy loop, not surprisingly.
Today my vinyls finally arrrived, after a little fuck-up where my friend who helped me with paypal used an old home address of his. The package floated around in Linköping for a few weeks before going back to USA for a final trip to me.
Their vinyls come in tasty colors. I got two red ones, one orange and one black. I imagine there are yet other colors too.
The Noise Vinyl v3 is for sale to the public now!
Here are some pics:
My noise records and a few other random items. Me staging a photo?? Nooononono!
The red hot record playing my loop
The rubber duck “Kommandotolken” (The wF mascot) and my Skullcandy headphones.
Here we have me, mr rubber duck again, and my precious Redboy!
The source lsdsong file for camvliez
June 19th, 2007After two specific requests to release this song (From skrebbel and Bud Melvin) and one general plead for more open sav’s from neutral_insomniac, I decided to finally release the source file for Camvliez. (Click the name to see the original post where you can also listen to the tune as an MP3)
Click here for the LSDSong source for the tune
This post should also be seen as a sort of LSDj tutorial, and if you find it useful, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment or link to the post.
If you’re a beginner, who don’t know how to get started with LSDj, please do check out this comprehensive tutorial by starpause and this one by
Here are some advice and facts that might be useful:
- The song is composed with Little Sound Dj v 3.1.9 and should ideally be played back with the same version to avoid incompatibilities. (However, I don’t see much in this one that could wrong on other versions)
- When I first uploaded the file to my PC, I got a weird bug in chains like 05 and 06 (Where ever there were C commands) where the sound changed properties when the pointer reached the end of a phrase, and the note was still playing. I found out that this bug was caused by some sort of “shadow notes” on the step 0 in the phrase. B+A (LSDj command for cut/delete) on that position reset the note and made the bug go away.
- Camvliez is really an unfinished song, and some time I will finish it for real. (Some people including myself think that it ends to abruptly) But, there also a hidden unfinished tune in there. I got some ideas while looking through the sav a last time, so I just put them there. If anyone wants to finish remix that, please do so!
- Use the clone command! By first copying a chain or phrase to a new position, and then pressing select+{B, A} (Hold select while pressing B then A) This is my usual method of applying small variations to songs made in LSDj.
- The MP3 version of the song was recorded on a cheap-o soundcard from redledboy, using a regular audio cable. (No fancy 192 kHz, 32-bit fireqire audiocard here…) The sound was touched up in Audacity using the builtin bass boost, then Audacity’s compressor with its default settings, then I gave the file a boost at maybe 4-7 kHz (Don’t remember) It could sound better, but to me it’s acceptable.
Overview of the song.
I’m using a 7/5 groove, aka shuffle, which in effect means that the first note in a phrase is a little longer than usual, and the next one is a little shorter, next one is longer, next one is shorter, etc. This gives a shufffle effect similar to the one the TR and TB series of machines by Roland.
My advice to people using grooves is to keep the sum of the groove 12. (Or 24 if using two groups etc) If you don’t, the BPM will be inaccurate, and song will be harder to sync to each other over link cable.
This is a phrase that uses so called “pattern break”, meaning that when you reach the H00 command, the phrase will end after 4 steps, which I use for a short break thing with a rising square wave.
There we have the said rising square wave. Look at the envelope parameter. 5 is the starting volume, and E is the fade direction, E means “rise slowly”.
As you can see it has no name, which is a bad habit of mine. You should name them.
Here we have the main drum instrument. Not much to say about it. It uses the 909 kit for both its software channels. Apart from that nothing is changed from the default settings.
And again, name your instruments boys and girls!
Here’s my bassline. Bud Melvin asked about it, so here the trick. Instrument 03 is 1/8 (12.5%) pulse width square wave to give some crisp to the sound, and 07 is a 1/2 (50%) wave with a tod longer decay. This gives what according to me is a pretty nice bass line.
Also please note the vibrato setting. It’s not HF as usual, but a regular vibrato type. This affects not only vibrato, but also makes legato and pitch slide (L and P commands) slower. This allows me to do a nice lick thing with the instrument. (Check out song position 31, chain 29, phrase 42, phrase positions A-B) The PFF/P01 combo makes the pitch first go down a little, then back up again.
I actually got a ompliment on that effect, that’s why I decided to mention it. I never thought anyone would notice, but it seems like it pays off to add small details to your music.
This is a table that makes a pretty nice effect. (Used in instrument 08) 0C on the first step quickly rises the tone one octave over the played note, FA lowers it 6 semi-tones below the played note. (I actually meant it to be lowered 7 semis, making end up at the subdominant of the played note, but it sounds good this way too)
A few ticks later, I change the wave form from 1/4 (25%, as set in the instrument) to 1/8. (12.5%) This adds to the snappy character of the sound.
The H (hop) command means something else in tables than it does in phrases. As shown before, it makes a pattern break in a phrase. In a table, the H command hops within the table instead. The rightmost digit defines the target position, the leftmost one defines the number of times the loop should loop. (0=Infinitely) The H0C command here simply catches the cursor in an infinite loop, so that it won’t apply the snap effect continually.
Here are some kit drums played on the WAV channel. I’ve put a lot of work in to gradual progression in the drums, which hopefully makes the music more interesting. (As mentioned above, use the clone command!) Also, it’s worth noticing the R (Retrig) command. It gives a quick drum roll there at the end. (But you might need to watch out if you place an empty phrase after it, since the retrig continues)
As said before, if you find this info useful, please leave a comment.
nitro2k01 on the OXO001 Compilation
June 11th, 2007As some of you might know I’m affiliated with OXO Unlimited, a small music label run by friends. The main theme of the album is breakcore and related styles, but I managed to sneak some chip music in there, in the shape of Recall168. (Hehe)
You can listen to a preview of the song on my myspace page (archive.org).
Here’s an album teaser if you’re interested in what else is on the CD:
Camvliez (Gameboy tune)
May 30th, 2007New tune in the making. There a few things that need to be polished, but it’s almost completed. There’s not much to say about it. I decided was told to make a tune, and so I did. The result is a pretty funky thing with a lot of small variation.
(Edit, December 1, 2007: Fixed the the player)
Towel Day!
May 25th, 2007Tomorrow (Friday, May 25) is Towel Day. For those of you who don’t know, Towel Day is an annual day of memorial to Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. The idea is that you should carry a towel over your shoulder all day, in the unlikely event that the earth would vanish into thin vacuum. For a knowledgeable hitchhiker knows that a towel is all you need to get around in the Galaxy. Ideally the towel is decorated with the number 42, so that super computers and mice will have nothing to worry about except finding the question.
Click the banner below to visit the official Towel Day home page.
A couple of side notes too:
I just added a so called “oneliner” to lw.ls.la (Inspired by pouët.net) which is a simple chat system. lw.ls.la is my home box, so if it eats to much traffic, I may decide to take it down. Until that happens, if it happens, please feel free to drop a line. what I like best about it is the algorithm that takes your IP address and translates it into two colored blocks.
I also want to give a little push to my image board on AnonIB. If you have pictures related to Gameboys and such things, upload them there.
09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0 has actually dropped from 1610000 to 1200000 results. Are people getting scared by the DMCA, are people tired of the hype, was the higher number just a flux in Google’s counting? Nobody knows.
I also received the news that the work on compiling the tracks for the first OXO Unlimited compilation is almost done. The track order and other details will be decided upon on Sunday, but it’s a fact that my track will be the first one on the CD! More news about that on Monday!