Gameboy development and music tool file archive
September 14th, 2010
I’ve just started a Gameboy development and music file archive with the aim to find and mirror Gameboy-related utilities for music and software development. Currently, the only useful section is the music tools folder, but I’m planning to expand the development tools folder as well. If you have any file that you would like to see added, or just want to comment on the idea, feel free to leave a comment here, mail me on the address given below, or join the discussion on
Thanks to Scott Evans for making Indices and thus providing useful information.
June 1st, 2010…with Swedish sourcream. Delicious!
But all good things must come to an end.
1-5 over and out!
NES RetroVision – Gameboy on a NES cartridge
May 6th, 2010Finally a new post on - go and read it.
Shitwave synced to LSDj
February 16th, 2010Another Gameboy genius, NeX is at it again. What he has done is to connect the clock output from LSDj to 74161 and 4024 counters then that is sent through (what I assume is) a slewrate limiter kind of thing to control attack and decay. Then that signal iscontrolling the frequency of a LTC1799 variable oscillator which is contralling the clock frequency of the DMG running Shitwave. (Don’t forget that Shitwave sucks though!)
Notice how there’s an interference pattern with the screen update frequency and the left boy. And that this pattern oscillates at different frequencies as the clock speed is being modulated.
LittleFM on GBC
February 7th, 2010I finally felt motivated to work a little on LittleFM, and the next feature in the pipeline was (the comparitively small) feature of “real” GBC support, ie support for double speed and colour palettes in LSDj which LittleFM has been lacking so far. (Instead it used the oldschool compatibility mode which didn’t allow LSDj to take advantage of the higher CPU speed found in the GBC)
It works great and flashing takes about half the time when done in double speed mode, however I forgot to clear the secondary GBC bakground map when going from LSDj back into LFM, using the classic sel-start-B-A combo. What this means is that the colour pattern from LSDj will not be erased but remain on the screen. This gave this nice visual bug seen below. As you can see, the pattern resembles LSDj’s screen layout.

I’m going to finish one more feature before I release LittleFM 0.4, loading and saving of individual LSDj files, so LFM can truly replace the builtin file manager that comes with LSDj. I have an almost working version of this feature, but it has wrinkles which I want to iron out before releasing it.
The last picture is shitwave which actually looks marvellous with the backgrounds residue. It gives the vibrations more life and you can see what’s actually happenening rather than just vaguely vibrating lines. It may not be apparent on the still image, but it looks nice live.

Sorry for the long wait, but have patience!
January 30th, 2010
Xero commented my track ‘Belsebub Till Frukost’, saying “there’s no such thing (as too much reverb)”. I did this one to try to prove him wrong, of course failing to do so. Turned out rather droney…
Listen to ReBub on

漢字 test
January 28th, 2010Let’s see how this works out…
Sparkfun Free Day
January 8th, 2010

For those of you who missed it, yesterday was Sparkfun free day, when Sparkfun would give away $100 to all customers, up to a grand total of $100,000. I didn’t really expect to be one of the winners in the noble battle. As one might imagine the demand for the offer was high, and I expected that the pot would be used up within minutes. The problem however turned out to be quite the opposite. The server was so overloaded that nobody could get through. When submitting a form, the page would load for 5 minutes just to tell me the connection was aborted. I heard a rumour that someone had managed to place the first order order after 30 minutes. So I kept pressing F5 persistently as soon as a page returned an error, and I managed to place my order just in time. At that point things were working relatively well, given the circumstances, (Only had to refresh three times before getting a connection) And as you can see from the remaining time and money counters, $9000 (~90 users) were served over the course of three minutes. I’m guessing people started to give up by then.
My persistence paid off, and unless they mess up the shipping somehow, I’ll soon be the owner of a Spartan 3E FPGA.