Photoshop Billboards (Street Art)
January 15th, 2009

I’ve recently talked about how you can have fun with video billboards, but you can have fun with regular billboards too, as these Berliners show. The theme is Photoshopping of female singers, demonstrated by overlaying the billboard for Britney Spears, leona Lewis and Christina Aguilera with a Photoshop interface. The layers are called things like ****Consume****, Eyes 2C, “Tits da Bitch!”.
To me this is what street art is about: bringing consciousness to the public through the use of satire, and criticizing society through the use of unauthorized art.
Made by Epoxy, Mr Talion, Baveux & Kone. Watch the full set.
Lavos’ Cave v1 (Ambient/drone music piece) + some fail poetry
January 11th, 2009
Here’s the first mixdown of this piece that I’ve dubbed Lavos’ Cave. The name, of course, is an hommage to one of the greatest RPG’s.
It’s an ambient/drone piece that I’ve made by layering several feedback loops. The result is a really moody and organic sound that slowly progresses as you meditate and travel through an imaginary cave.
This is just the first crude version. I will make a final mixdown later where I fix some of the nasty clipping and equalize the tracks a bit to make them stand out a bit more against each other. The clipping is due to the fact that this piece was recorded using feedback paths in analogue gear (except for the reverb which is technically not analogue but mechanical ) so things went out of hand sometimes.
And some random thoughts that crossed my mind on my way home the other night. Some kind of failed emo poetry or something.
I could take a picture of the ice
Try to remember the endless perfection
With which it revealed itself.
A splendid crystalline structure, a comples cavity,
Leading to an infinite grid of tunnels.
Just like in my autistic childhood fantasies
Ever so cold, ever so distant, ever so near
The place where I want to rest my mind forever
Exploring new paths, new places
With no one interrupting me
^ That’s something I scribbled down in my notebook when waiting for the bus, too tired, too caffeinated. Fits the mood of the music perfectly.
XKCD Binary Heart Transcription+the SCH mystery
January 4th, 2009Since I felt like having too much time, here’s a transcription of XKCD Binary Heart.
111011101100110010101 111001010011110111010 101101001011011000100 111101110110011001010 111100101101111011101 010110100101101100011 011110111011001100101 011110010100111101110 101011010010110110001 001111011101100110010 101111001010011110111 010101101001011011000 110111101110110011001 010111100101101111011 101010110100101101100 010011110111011001100 101011110010110111101 110101011010010110110 001001111011101100110 010101111001010011110 111010101101001011011 000100111101110110011
Interpreted as ASCII written with binary, it says:
iloveyOu ilOveyou iloveyOu ilOveyOu iloveyou ilOveyou ilOveyOu ilOv
That’s the easy part of the mystery. The tricky part is why the O’s are lower and upper case like that. I have no clue, but there’s a discussion on the XKCD forums . Someone called “kemosabi” posted a Perl snippet that produces the letters SCH:
#!/usr/bin/perl while () { $x .= $_; } $x =~ tr/01//cd; $y = pack(”B*”, $x); print “$y\n”; $s = $y; $s =~ tr/Oo/01/; $s =~ tr/01/ /c; print $s, “\n”; $s =~ tr/01//cd; print ” ” . join(” “, grep(/\d{5}/, split(/(\d{5})/, $s))), “\n”; print ” 010 ” . join(” 010 “, grep(/\d{5}/, split(/(\d{5})/, $s))), “\n”; #print $s, “\n”; $s = “010″ . join(”010″, grep(/\d{5}/, split(/(\d{5})/, $s))); print pack(”B*”, $s), “\n”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
iloveyOuilOveyouiloveyOuilOveyOuiloveyouilOveyouilOveyOuilOv` 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 10011 00011 01000 010 10011 010 00011 010 01000 SCH
Fast forward a few episodes to this strip:
The three “pointers”, 0×3a28213a , 0×6339392c, 0×7363682e look a bit suspicious… Repeating bytes, MSB is never set. This smells ASCII!
Sure enough, here’s what it says:
:(!: c99, sch.
I don’t know what the first line means, maybe it’s a little joke in the style of UNIX shell tricks. The second line could possibly be referring to the C99 standard. And the last line is sch again. It’s no doubt related, but how? There could be a deeper meaning to the letters SCH, or it could just be a reference back to that forum post. What do you think?