Hej ni från Medis :D
April 8th, 2007This Swedish post was meant for a couple of guys I met on a subway station. For you English speakers, this blog will mainly be in English, and anything of interest in this post will be covered later on in the blog.
Chansen finns att ni faktiskt går in på sidan, hehe. Antingen tycker ni detta är skitcoolt, eller att jag är jättetöntig. (Eller både och bara att ni inte vågar erkänna det första.)
Vad ska jag göra med det genomskinliga påskägget, då? Jo jag har byggt en sån här:
… som låter så här.
Och en sån ska jag alltså bygga i påskägget. Varför i ett genomskinligt påskägg? Jo, jag gillar genomskinliga saker eftersom man kan bygga in lysdioder i dem, som lyser så snyggt. Kolla bara på mina Gameboys, som jag gör musik med:
Så, lämna gärna en kommentar nu, så jag vet att ni hittade rätt. (: (Och sen kan ni fortsätta flina)
The mandatory first post
April 7th, 2007It took me a while to start this blog. I have a couple of abandoned blog behind me, and I hope this one will persist. This one is supposed to be my personal blog about things like my musical interest and my technical interest in Gameboys, my interest in circuit bending and other experimental arts. And not to forget my newfound interest in Animé.
Whenever I feel like I will put a little information about me, a discography, maybe some pictures, more links, you get the point. But right now I feel tired, and will go to bed soon.
I will take this opportunity to thank these people for their support:
- Jose Torres of 8bitcollective.com for letting me use this sudomain.
- Sebastian K of nic-nac-project, for the hosting and the shell account. (You can get one too, at the cost of a postcard and a stamp, just follow the instructions at the page!)
- Mattias Wirf of XODA, for releasing this template under a CC-Share Alike license. (The only change I’ve done to it is adding my Gameboy to background, and the modified theme is licensed under the same license, and you may use the image given that you credit XODA and me for it)
That’s all for now, over and out!