Zero G Fluid Dynamics + a 500 kV electrical arc
April 25th, 2009Two cool clips to compete with the Fluid Sculpture.
Shows how water behaves in zero gravity. (Recorded on the International Space Station) As is apparent, surface tension is still going strong even without gravity. The first two experiments investigate how the sphere (!) of water behaves when subjected to air. In experiment 1 by blowing a puff of air onto the sphere. In experiment 2 by injecting a bubble of air into the sphere. Experiment 3 investigates what happens if you dissolve an Alka-Seltzer in the sphere.
Fluid dynamics in zero G rocks. Yep, those are some Massive Dynamics indeed.
My only little complaint is that they didn’t use a high FPS camera, like this one.
Not much to say except that that’s a huge arc!
Ayanami Rei’s field trip
April 18th, 2009During my random net excursions I’ve found two people who came up with the same brilliant idea, to let their Ayanami Rei action figures take walk in the “forest”. I think Rei’s blue hair goes well with green leaves/grass. And of course, Rei is one my favourite characters with her introvert behaviour and contemplating look.
The pictures are taken from Moé Rabu (Moé Love) and Polyvinyl Crush. (There’s also a bunch more pictures from the same sets there, so do check it out if this suits your fancy)

April 18th, 2009Gameboy: 20 years!
April 15th, 2009To celebrate the soon-to-come 20 year anniversary of Nintendo Gameboy, technologizer has posted 13 odd Gameboy related items. I can proudly say that I’ve seen all of them except slide 2, 12 and 13 before. As expected, Gijs’ Grey Brick is in there, as well as the Golden Gameboy and the Gameboy that survived the Gulf War. (However, despite the claims, I believe the latter was regutted and not found in a working condition)
However, of the oddities, this is one is my favourite.

“The PediSedate releases nitrous oxide while children play the Game Boy in order to sedate them for doctor/dentist visits.”
Yes, I’d like me some nitrous hrough this slightly (not) cyberpunk-esque device while tracking some LSDj! (Which is a music sequencer, not a drug, mind ya)
Shitwave+LSDj combo video
April 14th, 2009
Ok, so I managed to dig up my old webcam and shot a video of shitwave with sound. The video quality sucks, but at least there’s sound. (Press the HQ button for a small improvement)
The video starts out with Little Sound Dj. Then I restart the Gameboy and hold start. The Gameboy then boots shitwave.
Shitwave is my all awesome (And soon to be improved) drone generator. For everything you need to know (Info, ROM download, longer sound sample, HQ video without audio) check out this post:
Stupid quote of the day
April 11th, 2009Found this over at GameDaily.
A chip is an extremely tiny bit of data that can be looped to form a tone. Basic chips include sine waves, square waves, sawtooth waves, and triangle waves. Composing a piece in chip tunes results in a file that is remarkably small in file size, which was beneficial to early video games, because at that point there was no extra room for data.
No! The chip in chiptune refers to the actual sound chip in the computer. You know, the electronic circuit that brings the noise. There is such a thing as a “chip sample” though. If you replace “chip” with “chip sample” you get a somewhat correct, but still clearly misinformed piece of text. This is what happens when amateur journalists don’t bother getting to know the subject they’re writing about. I don’t have too much trust in that Chris either though…

Let’s go through this once and for all.
On the left side you have a sound chip. (In fact two of them) Early video game consoles did not have any hardware support for sample playback, but relied on synthesis for all its sound generation. These chips is where that happened.
On the right side you have a chip sample, in which is a loopable sound sample, (usually) sampled from a console with a sound chip!
Not so hard to understand, eh, GameDaily?
But hey, at least they’re linking to my Gameboy music how-to! (Which is how I found that page, through referrer logging)
Fluid Sculpture
April 10th, 2009
Fluid Sculpture from Charlie Bucket on Vimeo.
This sculpture, which is made out of medical tubing, reminds me of a braided basket more than anything else. Before the fluid is inserted, that is. Because that’s the briliant part, by inserting well controlled pulses of fluid in different colours you create a beautiful moving patterns. (Because of the way the tubes are arranged, repeating the same sequence of pulses will create interesting patterns in the sculpture)
Longer pulses of coloured fluid will look like drawing a line, whereas shorter pulses will look like little ants crawling along the tube.
Little-scale, I have a feeling you’ll like this one.
Through GammaGoblin.
Gameboy necklace and cock ring
April 6th, 2009
So, I bought a Gameboy necklace from CBT’s closet. And I got a cock ring for free. No, not that kind of cock ring, (Or should I say Cork Ring?) but a ring for your finger that looks like a cock. (Rooster) Unfortunately, the ring is so small that it only fits my pinky finger. (Insert obvious joke about where it would fit perfectly)
It’s even more funny that the company is called CBT’s Closet.
Anyway, the necklace goes great with Greenboy (As seen on the upper left side of the blog)