New tune: nitro2k01 - dynamite drug diamond
October 13th, 2008This is a rushed and unfinished piece for the OHC (One Hour Compo) “Colossal Failure” over at BotB (Battle of the Bits) Maybe I’ll clean it up and finish it some day.
Click to play
Dubmood live @ Kafé 44 - 081004
October 7th, 2008Two days, (081003 and 081004) three great artists, (GOTO80, Crazy Q and Dubmood) three video portals… (Eww-tube, Google Video and Vimeo)
Now it’s time for the 3rd video upload in short period of time. This video is of Dubmood, who played right after Crazy Q. Dubmood’s new flavour is rave-ier than before. Enjoy!
Part 1 - Meneo - Papi (dubmood remix) + Eminem - without me (Dubmoods dirty1200 mashmix)
Watch part 1 on Vimeo
Part 2 - concertintro + Dubmood - Traverse de RN85 (Dubmood vs Facteur remix)
Watch part 2 on Vimeo
Crazy Q live @ Kafé 44 - 081004
October 6th, 2008Another chip liveet coming up!
Here’s a video from Crazy Q’s gig at Kafé 44, Stockholm, October 4th 2008. There’s some heavy rocking Atari bass in there! Please note that this a raw version without any editing, so it’s about 1 hour long.
GOTO80 & Skuggan - Out Of Spit (SVT Rampljuset 081003)
October 6th, 2008
GOTO80 playing live in a kid’s show called Rampljuset. (Literally translates into “The Limelight”) The objective of the show is to let four artists perform. The kids have “no” buttons, much like the idol in Idol. When 50% of the audience has pressed no, the lights go out, and the the artist performing iss out of the show.
Watch out for the lettuce man!!
Watch on Youtube
Download from TPB (This version contains more of the clip)
Vote for CombatDave’s Reckoner remix!
September 25th, 2008Radiohead has a remix contest. CombatDave made an awesome chip remix of it. You need to vote for it by clicking the + sign. (You won’t be sorry if you click the play button first though.
From #8bc:
02:18 < combatdave> 02:18 <@Dauragon> woot 02:18 < combatdave> guys PLEASE vote for that 02:18 < combatdave> and get your mums and sisters and aunties and dogs to vote too 02:18 <@Dauragon> i wont if it SUCKS 02:19 <@Dauragon> aw man dave this is SAWEEEEEET
GlitchDS Sample Pack: The Sounds of Mortima T #1 (Universe)
May 28th, 2008Here’s my first sample pack for the really cool up and coming DS homebrew music/sound app DSGlitch. It’s a sequencer and sound glitcher based on John Conway’s Game of Life where each position in the grid can trigger one out of six samples.
The sound is kind of random and I like it so much that I’m planning to make a concept album with sounds processed by the program, with the corresponding sample pack to go with it. (I’m making some tight ass samples for it!)
Until then, I’m going to release a number of sample packs based on the incredibly jazzy and moody sounds of Mortimer Twang’s Amiga mods. More packs coming when I feel like it!
Watcha waiting for?
First grab a copy of GlitchDS for your Nintendo DS
Then grab the Mortima T samplepack
Update: To the best of my knowledge, here’s the first track using samples from the pack: Just For Her by Litebritedeath
The Sounds of Mortima Tee ========================= what: sample pack for: glitchds samples from: universe.mod (#1) this is the first in a series of sample packs based on the ameega mods by sweet fatha mortima twang. The sounds were exported as played in the mod, sliced when necessary and given minor edits this first pack contains samples from universe, a moody downtempo mod with a nice vintage sound consisting of beautiful strings and a bass line made with a double bass sample these packs will be made in respect to mortima's moody, jazzy, trippy, groovy sounds. to listen to the original mods, pay this website a visit original sounds by mortimer twang aka lukas nystrand compiled by: nitro2k01
This sample pack is licensed with the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license. It gives you the right to share and remix the work if the resulting work is non-commercial and attribution is given to the original creator. (That is, Mortimer Twang!)
Michael Jackson and the music in Sonic The Hedgehog
May 11th, 2008A guy I talked to at Microdisko told me about how he was in love with the sound from YM2612 FM chip in the Genesis/Megadrive, although most game music composers at the time didn’t know how to fully utilize the chip’s full potential. He (as well as I) love the music of Sonic 2 and beyond.
And today I stumbled upon the awesome news that some of the tracks in Sonic 2 might have been composed by Michael Jackson. Yes, that Michael Jackson, the king of pop. Apparently he composed music for the games, but then it was removed when the pedophilia accusations started to pop up. This video show a compelling argument, supported by statements by former Sega employees, that the music in fact remained in the final games.
Unfortunately, they won’t let me embed it. :/
So here’s a link:
Instead, I’ll put a video of Streets of Rage here, which my newfound friend told me about for the music. It’s nothing actually nothing short of rave music, and I love it.
More Broccoli!
May 6th, 2008Back once again with the IRC quotes. Do watch the video!
On a related note, I think a part of the Bee March melody resembles the classic Super Mario melody. Ok, it’s only a couple of notes, but I’m still wondering if that might be where Koji Kondo got his original spark of inspiration from… We might never know!
18:31 -!- CalmDownKidder [] has joined #8bc 18:31 < _2tronik01> An ocarina made from broccoli!!?!?!?! 18:32 <@Dauragon> :O 18:32 <@Dauragon> oh shit son 18:32 <@Dauragon> its CalmDownKidder 18:32 < CalmDownKidder> where? 18:32 < Inkoddi> I made a whistle from a carrot once 18:32 * CalmDownKidder looks around 18:34 < CalmDownKidder> a cucumber, when inserted into a person’s bottom can produce all sorts of spectrums of noise 18:34 <@Dauragon> D: 18:35 < Inkoddi> broccoli is perfect for instrument making 18:35 < Inkoddi> since it is really dense 18:35 < Inkoddi> and quite hard 18:35 <+herr_prof> and has natural rythm 18:36 < CalmDownKidder> The “more cowbell” sketch was originally “more broccoli”
ADLib Tracker
March 4th, 2008More Youtube! This time it’s my Pentium 100 MHz laptop playing som AD lib tunes with ADLib Tracker ][. The tunes are Chipmunk, Comic Bakery and Super Mario Land Theme, from the collection of modules that comes with the program. Someday I'll try to sit down and track something myself. And some other day maybe I will tell the story of how I managed to use HDD in the laptop, where the CD used to be. Without the consent of the BIOS.