The failed “competition”
October 18th, 2008Ok, so this thing failed. If you want to know where this image comes from, the answer is below.
Somebody showcased what happened when you do the dreaded sudo rm -rf / on your Mac. He also talks about how he backed up all files to a separate partition, BUT he forgot to unmount said partition, meaning that the backup got deleted too. If you feel like being mean, go to the video page and remind him of this.
Porn on Youtube!
October 16th, 2008Ok, it’s not hardcore stuff, but I’m amazed it’s still there. Make sure to have a look before they take it down.
Swedish Fish Commercial 2008
October 11th, 2008
Swedish Fish. A friend you can eat!
Dubmood live @ Kafé 44 - 081004
October 7th, 2008Two days, (081003 and 081004) three great artists, (GOTO80, Crazy Q and Dubmood) three video portals… (Eww-tube, Google Video and Vimeo)
Now it’s time for the 3rd video upload in short period of time. This video is of Dubmood, who played right after Crazy Q. Dubmood’s new flavour is rave-ier than before. Enjoy!
Part 1 - Meneo - Papi (dubmood remix) + Eminem - without me (Dubmoods dirty1200 mashmix)
Watch part 1 on Vimeo
Part 2 - concertintro + Dubmood - Traverse de RN85 (Dubmood vs Facteur remix)
Watch part 2 on Vimeo
Crazy Q live @ Kafé 44 - 081004
October 6th, 2008Another chip liveet coming up!
Here’s a video from Crazy Q’s gig at Kafé 44, Stockholm, October 4th 2008. There’s some heavy rocking Atari bass in there! Please note that this a raw version without any editing, so it’s about 1 hour long.
GOTO80 & Skuggan - Out Of Spit (SVT Rampljuset 081003)
October 6th, 2008
GOTO80 playing live in a kid’s show called Rampljuset. (Literally translates into “The Limelight”) The objective of the show is to let four artists perform. The kids have “no” buttons, much like the idol in Idol. When 50% of the audience has pressed no, the lights go out, and the the artist performing iss out of the show.
Watch out for the lettuce man!!
Watch on Youtube
Download from TPB (This version contains more of the clip)
When you see it… (Wii commmercial)
September 30th, 2008
Click the brick to see the commercial. Have some patience, and watch the whole thing!
The Website Is Down! (Funny Video)
June 27th, 2008
This is the story of the sysadmin who played games during work hours, got called up by incompetent colleagues and took down the website. Seriously funny shit!
Stoppa FRA-lagen - Remix av Blogge’s 198FRA
June 16th, 2008Blogge gjorde två versioner med olika musik, en med Megadeth-musik och en med musik av Alicia Keys. Jag bestämde mig för att göra en variant med min låt nuracl, som passade snuskigt bra. Inte bara fångar den den dystopiska stämningen utan med en liten tidsförskjutning på en sekund så visade den sig vara väl tidssynkad också.
Men eftersom Youtube valde att knulla mig i röven och inte tillåta mig att ladda upp videor med hög ljudkvalitet med det trick som tidigare lät en undgå Youtube’s konvertering och t ex ladda upp videor med stereo så fick den hamna på Vimeo istället.
198FRA (Chip remix) from Gameboy Genius on Vimeo.
Pythagoras Switch, my first full episode
June 11th, 2008Up until today I’ve only seen this awesome collection of incredible machines, but today I saw my first full episode of the show. I wonder what, say USA would be like if there were more children’s shows like this one.
I don’t know Japanese to any useful level yet, but I’m actually noticing that I can hear words hear and there, so that’s cool. I still need to learn kana properly.
Oh, and here’s my own little tribute to the show: