Towel Day!

May 25th, 2007

Tomorrow (Friday, May 25) is Towel Day. For those of you who don’t know, Towel Day is an annual day of memorial to Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. The idea is that you should carry a towel over your shoulder all day, in the unlikely event that the earth would vanish into thin vacuum. For a knowledgeable hitchhiker knows that a towel is all you need to get around in the Galaxy. Ideally the towel is decorated with the number 42, so that super computers and mice will have nothing to worry about except finding the question.

Click the banner below to visit the official Towel Day home page.
Towel Day - Douglas Adams tribute

A couple of side notes too:
I just added a so called “oneliner” to (Inspired by pouë which is a simple chat system. is my home box, so if it eats to much traffic, I may decide to take it down. Until that happens, if it happens, please feel free to drop a line. what I like best about it is the algorithm that takes your IP address and translates it into two colored blocks.

I also want to give a little push to my image board on AnonIB. If you have pictures related to Gameboys and such things, upload them there.

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0 has actually dropped from 1610000 to 1200000 results. Are people getting scared by the DMCA, are people tired of the hype, was the higher number just a flux in Google’s counting? Nobody knows.

I also received the news that the work on compiling the tracks for the first OXO Unlimited compilation is almost done. The track order and other details will be decided upon on Sunday, but it’s a fact that my track will be the first one on the CD! More news about that on Monday!

Swedish flag: Pirate edition

May 19th, 2007

My friend Veqtor came up with a simple yet brilliant idea yesterday. Since Sweden is probably the home of the world’s most enthusiastic pirate activists, and also The Pirate Bay, why not make a Swedish flag with a pirate logo on it?
Well, said and done. The first one features the logo of Piratbyrån, the Swedish pirate information movement. The second is for my friends in Piratbion, the Swedish Pirate Cinema movement, that aims to show provide a free outdoors cinema epxerience. (Free popcorn always included!)

Swedish pirate flag thumbnail

Swedish pirate cinema flag thumbnail

Click on the thumbnails for a hueg picture

Any kind of copying, public display, (Incuding printing to an actual flag) and modification is allowed and encouraged.

Yesterday’s dj set at piratbion and a Super Mario wallpaper

May 14th, 2007

Yesterday I dj’d at a support party for Piratbion (The Swedish pirate cinema project) I mostly played happy danceable chip music but also some techno and drum’n'bass. All in all it was fun and the crowd enjoyed the music. I think I managed to get the music going pretty well even though I only used winamp rather than some big cheesy piece of software like Traktor. The simple reason is that my computer is too slow. (Traktor runs, but skips and stalls form time to time)
Now I just regret that I forgot to blog about it before it happened. But pictures from the event will be available as soon as someone has time to upload them. I’ll give it a post when that happens.

Electronic Yuuka
During the show I also received a little note with a myspace address on it for a project called Electronic Yuuka. I don’t know what to think about it. It’s the same kinda “I don’t care”-electro music as NSR+BBF and MaléolPastek. It can certainly be nice sometimes, but it’s not my kind of everyday music.

I really fell in love with the drawing though. What is it? My best guess is “A dark red lemon with a face on it”, but if you have a better guess, tell me!

Super Mario wallpaper thumbnail
Before I went up there, I was bored, and I thought my wallpaper of L was a bit outdated. (Especially since he died a few episodes ago) So I decided to make a new one, honoring the 8-bit theme of the night. It’s a Super Mario wallpaper for your desktop background. I’m actually pretty satisfied with it.
The only thing I’m not satisfied with is the fact that it’s only 1024*768. That’s ok for my laptop screen, but might not look good in other resolutions. So if you just neeeed it in another resolution, leave a comment and I’ll make a pixel faithful version for your resolution.
I may also do other versions, for example one for each kind of power-up, if there’s an interest in it. Again, leave me a comment and I’ll see what I can do.

I’d also like to have some guesses as for which game the graphics are from. No, it’s not as obvious as it looks.
And last but not least, a little plug for my cousin Gabriel’s myspace. He’s a psytrance producer, and he finally got confident enough to put out his stuff. It’s not really my cup o’tea, if you know what I mean, but it’s really well produced and worth the listen!

A whole PC in a DMG case

May 10th, 2007

Gameboy PC front view

Gameboy PC side view

I was hesitating to post about this thing. After all this guy is butching an innocent Gameboy to do this thing. But on the other hand it’s a cool thing, and honestly one that I’d like to own. (Although it’s not as cool as the NES mini, a whole NES, fitted into the size of a NES controller)
Also the activity LEDs in different colors reminded me of my own yellowboy with one red and on black button.

Gameboy PC inside view

The miniature PC is based on the Via EPIA PX10000G motherboard, a board of the Pico-ITX standard. Even though the small size, it houses connections for VGA, as well as USB and ethernet. One of the USB ports is placed in a very good spot: Where the link port used to be. People often ask me about my classic Gameboys if that port is for firewire (!) They never saw that port on their own GB’s, appearantly because it’s usually covered with a piece of plastic to protect the machine from dust.

Gameboy PC back view

The PC lacks a hard drive, and uses CF cards for storage instead. CF uses the same or almost the same interface as IDE, as far as I know, meaning that you could probably attach IDE drives to it with a little tinkering.
In its current shape, the CF card appearantly stores the OS. The guy is using Windows XP embedded for the purpose, but I’d like to try some flavor of Linux, or possibly Lunix. (No, I’m not serious, I just like to drop that link)

Story chain: Engadget » Plastic Bamboo » Japanese original page

So a little report about the 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0 business. At the moment, it’s at 1720000 results, closing in to two millions. Also, digg has decided not moderate articles and comments containing the code. (Which I didn’t discover until today, more than a week too late) And here’s an article about a novel way of expressing the digits, with all the implications involved.
“Takedown This!”

That’s all for today. I’m Joanne and this is Ro… Wait, not really.

Also, 58.70.6.xx-san from Japan (Later using the IP 60.56.165.xx) Please leave a comment! I see that you have reloaded my page a lot or something. I also see that you are an Opera user, just like me. Reveal yourself!

More stats for the code

May 7th, 2007

In the absence of better things to blog about, here’s another report: 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0 now has 1610000 results.
I’ll blog about something more interesting tomorrow, I promise. (I’ve got some drafts lying)

Stats for the code

May 5th, 2007

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0 now has 1100000 results. Not the exponential growth I was anticipating. ):

Interview finished

May 4th, 2007

We just finished the interview, and it went pretty well. I’ll do a checkup on the right for the music played in conjunction, and when that’s finished, I’ll upload the stream and maybe do a transcript to English.

5/4, 8PM CET:Microdisko interview on local student radio

May 4th, 2007

Radio Pluto logo

Tomorrow (Friday 5/4-2007) at 8 PM, CET, I, and the rest of the microdisko organizers will participate in an interview about microdisko and chip music on local student radio. If you’re in Stockholm, Sweden, tune in to Pluto 95,3 MHz, if not, there’s a stream on their page. (The show is in Swedish, but anyone can appreciate the chiptunes that we’ll play :D )

More information:

Oh Nine, Eff Nine (And a long lost dutch commercial)

May 4th, 2007

This is a lazy post with two youtube videos.
The first one is another take on the 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0 business. (Google has 889000 results today as opposed to 290000 yesterday. I’ll have a daily watch to see it grows)
It’s a little ballad to honor the numbers. Let’s see how long it’ll stay on youtube before the MPAA orders a takedown of the video.
Original source: Rocketboom blog

On a related note, I found this delicious link in their bookmarks heap: ANT SCOTT (Glitch art)

And the other one is a commercial that a friend told me about ages ago. I couldn’t find it back then but now I did of a co-incidence.
It’s a dutch banned commercial where a family sits down in their car, turn on the radio and hear a song that says “I wanna fuck you in the ass”. The family, unaware of what the lyrics mean, just keeps on rocking to the song. The commercial, as you might’ve figured, for an English teaching company. (Sorry for not censoring the F word, but I want people who may be searching for it to be able to find it.)

Handmade Gameboy purse

May 3rd, 2007

This neat little item was sold in 8 pieces by Etsy. It’s a little purse for storing coins, or two LSDj cartridges and a link cable, whynot?
I really love the handmade looks of it, but I’m a bit disturbed by the lack of a power LED. Unfortunately, I didn’t get any of the 8 items. Maybe I should make one myself, but knowing my preferences, I’d probably make it in clear plastic, possibly with some kind of lighting option, just as I did in the real world. (;

If I had one of the purses maybe I wouldn’t just put thing in it. Maybe I would build some sort of noise-producing thingie, just as I did with the Gameboy-style box that I got from Dj Scotch Egg. (Which now houses the Gameboy Ounk Console) Perhaps I’d make it pressure sensitive because of the soft nature of the fabric… Yeah! If you own one of the eight purses, and this sounds interesting, give me a call. (:

(Original source: Wonderland: Handmade Gameboy purse)