Moshpit Open 2007 photo dump

September 6th, 2007

Here’s a dump of the pics I shot at the Moshpit Open 2007 Battle Stage, during Oerfil’s, Cornbeast’s and Boy vs Bacteria’s live sets. For obvious reasons I don’t have any pics/videos of my own set, but if you do, please tell me.
The whole photo set is available here:
Oerfil Oerfil crowd

Cornbeast Cornbeast crowd

Boy vs Bacteria audience Boy vs Bacteria

I’m linked from

July 2nd, 2007

I’m checking my referrers actively and I’ve got not one but two hits from What’s up with that? I don’t see any link to my blog on that site. Did someone add me to that page, or am I in someone’s private bookmarks there?

Google XSS vulnerability

June 28th, 2007

I found these two blog posts today. What an irony!


June 15th, 2007


Time to puzzle you people. Nobody will eveeeer understand the meaning of this picture. Bort bort bort!

Another glimpse from my childhood (:

June 12th, 2007

Here’s another little memory from my childhood that I thought I’d never see again. It’s an ad that shows how a Gameboy supposedly looks inside. It also goes well with theme of this page. Knowing what I know now, I’d say they were a bit wrong though. (:

Gameboy ad thumbnail


Examinus 2007

June 4th, 2007

Examinus 2007 is Mandark/Ultraform’s graduation party. It’ll be filled with acid techno, old-school Goa, dnb, breakcore and idm. The line-up is: Ultraform (Mandark), Mike Oxus, Veqtor, Mandark (Ultraform).
I’ll bring my Gameboy, and just maybe I’ll throw in a blippy bonus show at the end. Whether or not I’ll do that, I’ll definitely be there and enjoy the music!

Call the number on the flyer for more info. (Only for people in Stockholm, Sweden)

Examinus 2007 flyer

Gear list added

June 2nd, 2007

I’ve now added list of my music making gear, which is still in progress. You can find it in the menu above, or just click here. I’ll soon add a music page as well. (I guess half of the people arriving here don’t even understand that I’m a chip musician, so I guess it’s a good idea.)

Btw, a little recap about my Thinkpad: Now the PC card slots are working, but only sometimes, which is bloody annoying. But I hope I can nail down the error somehow. But my suspicion is that something is abit loose near the cardbus coontroller chip.

Also, if you were looking for my new Gameboy song, Camvliez, (Maybe without knowing) it’s hidden below that long post about my Thinkpad. Here’s a quick link: Camvliez.

Antispam hack

May 2nd, 2007

This blog is getting big. How I know? Because I’ve been starting to get spam pretty quickly. I already have comment confirmation turned on for all comments, so you as a visitor is guaranteed not to see any spam here. However, my inbox is getting flooded by confirmations spam comments, which is annoying, especially because it can make me miss some actual user comments.

So I made a quick’n'dirty hack that filters away some common spam-words and sends the result right into /dev/null, without even sending me a confirmation. To see the list, enter something spam-like, for example viagra, and you will see the list. Using this system, I won’t have a clue how many hits are being filtered away, on the other hand, I don’t care about that. If everything turns out well, I might be able to turn off global comment confirmation.

However, I’m worried that some words will make it filter too much. I’d like to have comments on that, please. (Enter for example viagra into any field and press Submit comment to see the list)

Gameboy related image board

April 22nd, 2007

Today I stumbled across the site AnonIB that lets anyone start an image board. (For those who don’t know: It’s like a forum/chat hybrid, where you can upload images without the need to register an account)
I don’t really have any expectations on the board, it’s just an act of impulse, so I’ll see where it leads. If people abuse or if nobody posts, maybe I’ll shut it down.
Anyway, here it is: So have a look and maybe contribute if you feel, and I’ll see how things turn out.

Hej ni från Medis :D

April 8th, 2007

This Swedish post was meant for a couple of guys I met on a subway station. For you English speakers, this blog will mainly be in English, and anything of interest in this post will be covered later on in the blog.

Chansen finns att ni faktiskt går in på sidan, hehe. Antingen tycker ni detta är skitcoolt, eller att jag är jättetöntig. (Eller både och bara att ni inte vågar erkänna det första.)
Vad ska jag göra med det genomskinliga påskägget, då? Jo jag har byggt en sån här:

… som låter så här.

Och en sån ska jag alltså bygga i påskägget. Varför i ett genomskinligt påskägg? Jo, jag gillar genomskinliga saker eftersom man kan bygga in lysdioder i dem, som lyser så snyggt. Kolla bara på mina Gameboys, som jag gör musik med:

Så, lämna gärna en kommentar nu, så jag vet att ni hittade rätt. (: (Och sen kan ni fortsätta flina)