June 15th, 2007Time to puzzle you people. Nobody will eveeeer understand the meaning of this picture. Bort bort bort!
Another glimpse from my childhood (:
June 12th, 2007Here’s another little memory from my childhood that I thought I’d never see again. It’s an ad that shows how a Gameboy supposedly looks inside. It also goes well with theme of this page. Knowing what I know now, I’d say they were a bit wrong though. (:
Source: kreese.com
nitro2k01 on the OXO001 Compilation
June 11th, 2007As some of you might know I’m affiliated with OXO Unlimited, a small music label run by friends. The main theme of the album is breakcore and related styles, but I managed to sneak some chip music in there, in the shape of Recall168. (Hehe)
You can listen to a preview of the song on my myspace page (archive.org).
Here’s an album teaser if you’re interested in what else is on the CD:
Prophet64 GET
June 11th, 2007I’ve finally decided to make it happen. I have a C64 (Breadbox) that I haven’t been using much, mostly due to the lack of a diskette drive, and in turn software.
I saw this page, featuring a load of tasty mods for the thing. (Mainly audio mods)
Here’s what his C64 looked like when he was done with it:
Doesn’t that just look fabulous? However, myself, I’m planning to paint upper part pink, and the lower, probably black. Ugly you may think, but I think it’ll look… fresh in some way.
I also found this project, SwinSID which is a somewhat compatible SID clone, which I think sounds pretty good. A perfect combination would be to have one SID (To get the raw rough sound) and one SwinSID (To get some smooth wave forms) one a SID2SID. (A little cirucit board that lets you use two SIDs in one C64) I just wonder if SwinSID will work with SID2SID. I have yet to find out!
Anyway, being exposed to both these cool C64 mods within a matter of days, I have finally decided to get Prophet64.
Stay tuned for my report about it later on!
Zelda theme on a theremin
June 7th, 2007
This the theme for The Legend of Zelda, played on a theremin. (If you don’t know, it’s an instrument which is controlled by how your hands interfere with radio waves)
Makes me think… I want a theremin, but at the time being I don’t have enough time and money to buy one, let alone build one. So whenever I get some free time, I’m planning to build an optomin, which uses the same principle, but is based on light. In a typical optomin, you have a LED, whose light is reflected by the user’s hand onto an LDR, which in turn is part of an oscillation circuit. Maybe if I succeed in doing so, I’ll do an oscillator where I use the combo LED, hand, LDR, as the feedback loop in the oscillator. That’s an idea I got from watching a sketchup of a brushless DC motor. On a related note, DC motors tend to produce a kind of static when used, which can be a problem in practical application, because the surrounding electronics may suffer from the interference. However, I think that the square wave being produced could be musically useful. The square wave that it generates has a spike at every cycle, that I think will give very nice overtones. A synth based on DC engines? Eat that!
Where was I? Oh yeah, the optomin! I’ve already build two things with LDR’s in them, both of which were APC clones. The first one was this dual Atari Punk Console, and the second was the Gameboy Ounk Console, viciously built in a small Gameboy box, as promised to Dj Scotch Egg, during his visit to Sweden.
Also, I’d like to give a shout to nerdarts.com which is a newly opened blog about geek and net culture, where one of my posts is featured on the front page. Unfortunately not with one my own projects, but there’ll be more of them coming. Also, maybe the tag chiptune is not suitable for that post?
However, despite being only one day old, the site already looks promising, I found some interesting stuff to read, and I’m eagerly waiting for more. RSS feed added, for sure!
Examinus 2007
June 4th, 2007Examinus 2007 is Mandark/Ultraform’s graduation party. It’ll be filled with acid techno, old-school Goa, dnb, breakcore and idm. The line-up is: Ultraform (Mandark), Mike Oxus, Veqtor, Mandark (Ultraform).
I’ll bring my Gameboy, and just maybe I’ll throw in a blippy bonus show at the end. Whether or not I’ll do that, I’ll definitely be there and enjoy the music!
Call the number on the flyer for more info. (Only for people in Stockholm, Sweden)
Gear list added
June 2nd, 2007I’ve now added list of my music making gear, which is still in progress. You can find it in the menu above, or just click here. I’ll soon add a music page as well. (I guess half of the people arriving here don’t even understand that I’m a chip musician, so I guess it’s a good idea.)
Btw, a little recap about my Thinkpad: Now the PC card slots are working, but only sometimes, which is bloody annoying. But I hope I can nail down the error somehow. But my suspicion is that something is abit loose near the cardbus coontroller chip.
Also, if you were looking for my new Gameboy song, Camvliez, (Maybe without knowing) it’s hidden below that long post about my Thinkpad. Here’s a quick link: Camvliez.
Laptop frustration!
June 1st, 2007(Sorry for this super long post, but I have had some serious frustration over this thing the last week, and I needed to just let the letters flow.)
The beginning of this story takes place about one year ago. I worked as a telemarketer at a company, and looked for something in an archive room. By accident I found a Thinkpad 600E, seemingly abandoned. After a bit of nagging to the boss, he said I could keep it.
For me this was big. Even though being only a 450 MHz PII computer, this was my first laptop (Except my 386 and 486 lappies, but they have a different story, and they were not too useful in my everyday life) I invested in a wireless network card, and suddenly mr Lappy became useful for university, for writing, some surfing and simple coding. In the computer was already two network cards. both wired, of which one didn’t work. (Made the computer hang whenever a network cable was inserted)
It came with a 10 GB hard drive, which was not super big, but it was somehow sufficient for my needs back then. But one night disaster struck. I had left it on over the night, and when I woke up the next morning the screen was black. When I tried restarting it the HD just clicked a few times and then gave up. When booting a live CD, the result was that no drive could be detected. The HD was simply broken, probably an arm fell off or something.
I got a temporary drive from a friend, 6 GB, and a pinch slower than the 10 GB one. But the I decided to seriously refurbish the laptop. I invested in a PIII CPU, which I overclocked, by soldering a resistor to the clock circuit, and bypassed speedstep on the CPU by soldering a resistor there as well. It all ended up at 702 MHz.
I also bought an 80 GB HD, and replaced the 128 MB RAM in the computer by 256 MB. (For the curious: The 256 MB were found on a Sun thing which is a complete Pentium PC on a PCI board)
That happened about five months ago, and marked themarked the start of this computer’s golden era. It generated a lot of heat, but it was stable and way faster than the 450 MHz CPU that was in the computer when I found it. Even though there was some initial problems, I overcame them and the system worked well. (The only exception were occasional 108 errors, meaning timer error. I just had to turn it off/on once or twice and it’d work, so it was no big issue.)
Overclocking a PIII CPU in a Thinkpad 600E
Emulating a battery to make the computer start at all during troubleshooting
About one week ago something happened that marked the end of the golden era for my Thinkpad 600E. By now, the battery life had been heavily reduced, and the battery would typicaly last for only 10 minutes or so before giving up, and my TP power adapter was suffering from loose contacts at both ends of the wire, in other words you had to wiggle the cable around at two places in order to get it right. All this wiggling of course led to more damage on the cable, until the situation was unbearable. This was supposed to be no problem, since I had an adjustable voltage supply that could easily replace the original TP adapter. That day I was going to present a piece of homework, some assembler code for the NIOS-2 CPU. I thought reliabilitym would be a good thing for this presentation, so I packed down my secondary power supply.
Before plugging it in, I double checked the voltage and polarity, but somehow I still got the polarity wrong. I don’t know how I could just miss it, but I did. Suddenly I felt the familiar fume of burnt electronics.
It seemed as if the switching regulator in the computer was destroyed. (It still ran fine on batteries) After doing an initial check for exploded caps, obviously burnt out IC’s or blown fuses, I came to the conclusion that this is beyond my skill of fixing.
So, I went back to the store where I bought the 80 GB HD. I had seen a pile of laptop junk there, and even one or two 600E’s. One was cheaper, (Corresponding US$50) but was partially broken according to the guy in the shop. I thought the error messages looked fixable, so I paid for it and walked away.
Unfortunately, i was wrong. The computer could appearantly not sense the CMOS battery. I got the errors 161 and 163, CMOS data lost and time/date not set, respectively. After setting the date, I got a OFF->ON message, meaning that I was supposed to power cycle the laptop. If it had been working properly, it had continued to boot by then. Instead I ended up with the same error, when turning the power on again. Normally this indicates a drained battery, however not in this case. The battery was fine, my voltmeter and other Thinkpad agreed on that.
So I went back to the shop and demanded to get a refund or a replacement. At first he just violently refused. He insulted me, accused me of being a liar and having tampered with the computer. Well, I actually “tampered” with it when I instaled the new CPU. But that was definitely not the cause of the problem. I even saw the error in the shop when testing it before buying it, just that I thought I could fix it.
After a lot of discussion, he accepted to replace the broken computer with the other 600E he had in stock. I carefully tested it before leaving, and it booted up ok. It had a minor display error; the display had a slight red tint, which vanished in seconds as the monitor warmed up.
Finally I thought everything was alright. I was even delighted to see that he had forgotten a dual function network/modem card in PC ard slot. I inserted the CPU, soldered the overclock resistor in place, inserted the HD and booted it up.
At first the HD wasn’t recognized, but I just needed to upgrade the Easy setup (IBM’s horrible version of a BIOS) Btw, this was done by burning floppy image to a bootable CD-ROM. If there’s interest in it, I can make that CD image available.
Then it worked like a charm. The network card was immediately detected, the screen sememd a bit brighter than on the one with a broken power regulator and the overall speed seemed higher than before.
I was at peace. Finally I got my laptop back.
The joy didn’t last for long, however. Suddenly it just crashed, for no appearant reason. After a bit of error seeking I tracked down the error to the PC card slots. Inserting anything into the slots would at best make the OS not detect the hardware correctly, and at worst bluescreen or segfault.
But never just detect it and work.
I’ve tried driver fiddling, booting live CD’s to see if something happens differently, resetting CMOS by unplugging the battery, doing the Easy setup upgrade routine once more, just to make sure.
The only two things I can think of now are:
1) that the overclock resistor might be positioned in such a way that it interferes with the PC card controller. However, this seems farfetched, since the resistor was placed the ame way in the original TP as well, without ever causing these kinds of problems. I’ll move it a bit and see if there’s a change, but that’s probably not it.
2) that the damage was caused by a glitch in the power net. This doesn’t match timewise, however. About an hour after the error happened, there was a short voltage drop of a few milliseconds. If there had been one right before the error happened, I would’ve noticed. Besides, I don’t see how a power dip could cause problems, like a power surge can.
Also, I don’t see how the error could’ve attacked only the cardbus controller. The two thing that were connected at the time was power and network. If it had come through the power supply, the CPU would definitely have been damaged first. If it had come through the netword, my router and the network card would’ve been damage in the first place. So I conclude that neither of these things are likely causes.
I’m starting to edge out about this. It’s almost as if I’m destined to not have a working laptop.
And the irony is that I was thinking two thing earlier today:
1) LOL, I wonder what hidden errors this one has.
2) Damnit, I can’t concentrate on music making if I have internet access on the same computer.
Seems like I got my “wishes” fulfilled. so now I’ll try to fix the error if possible, otherwise I’ll just use it as a music computer. (Might actually help my keep my focus on the music)
The only problem is that I got limited backup possibilities. Copying a few wave files to a memory stick works ok. (Even though it’s a USB1 connection) But, I also have about 50 GB of other data that I want to back up. However, at least I backed up my whole soUnd folder (Yes, I spell the folder name with a capital U) before I destroyed the first TP with the wrong polarity.
if there are any news, I’ll post about it here.
In the position I am now, I’m almost considering setting up a paypal donate button and try to beg for some money from my readers. But neh, you probably wouldn’t donate anyway.
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Camvliez (Gameboy tune)
May 30th, 2007New tune in the making. There a few things that need to be polished, but it’s almost completed. There’s not much to say about it. I decided was told to make a tune, and so I did. The result is a pretty funky thing with a lot of small variation.
(Edit, December 1, 2007: Fixed the the player)
Azn-ness test
May 26th, 2007I’m not usually in to tests ike this one, but I’m doing it only because little vickei did it.
[ ] Are you asian in the first place?
[ ] Were you born in an asian country?
[ ] Do YoU tYpE lIkE tHiS aLoT?
[ ] Do you eat rice almost every single day?
[x] Can you use chopsticks? (Yay!)
[ ] Have you taken chinese/korean/etc school as a kid?
[ ] Can you speak an asian language? (A few words japanese. Can’t make myself understood. Doesn’t count. )
[ ] Do you spike(guys)/highlight(girls) your hair?
[ ] Do you have an “azn crew”? -
[ ] Did you get at least 95% ENTER?
Total: 1
[ ] Are you or were you once a fob? (???)
[x] Have you designed a website before?
[ ] Do you know the song “got rice?”
[ ] Have you dated/want to date Asian girls/boys?
[ ] Do your sms/email have the words: AzN, gurl, boy, sweet, cute, hot, dragon, babe, angel, lil, princess, … , oO..,Oo, etc?
[ ] Is your last name Park, lee, chang, wang, wong, kim, chow, or yu?
[x] Do you take off your shoes before entering someone’s house? (As vickei says: hey thats Swedish too)
[ ] You have both an asian and an english name
[x] Do you watch/ read anime? (I don’t read animé, except for the subs)
[x] Do you listen to techno?
Total: 4
[ ] Do you listen to asian music?
[x] Have you watched asian movies?
[x] Can you rave? (Goddammit, I’ve even played music on a rave)
[x] Do you drink pearl milk tea or bubble tea? (Tried bubble tea once. Pretty good.)
[ ] Do you play counterstrike, starcraft, warcraft, diablo,
[ ] Are you a master at DDR? (East Germany??)
[x] Do you play the violin/piano?
[ ] Do your parents beat you if you get bad grades?
[ ] Are you going / taken any accelerated classes?
[ ] Do you/your parents drive an asian made car?
Total: 4
[ ] Are you a good artist? (Hell no, I actually hate everything I create)
[ ] Do you speak ur asian language w/ your friends?
[ ] Do your relatives own a restaurant/market in an azn community?
[x] Do you slurp soup? (Especially ramen)
[ ] Do you have small eyes? (wtf?)
[ ] Have you visited an asian country at least twice?
[ ] Does your house smell like incense once in awhile?
[x] Do you have/had glasses or braces?
[x] Do you like to read?
[x] Do you NOT have an allowance?
Total: 4
[x] Have you eaten dim sum/dumplings before?
[ ] Are your parents fobs? (whats a fob?)
[ ] Do you have tons of cousins/siblings/uncles/aunts/etc?
[x] Can you twirl a pencil between your fingers?
[ ] Have you ever solved a rubik’s cube?
[x] Do you read manga?
[ ] Is the mall your hang out place?
[ ] Do you think you’re short?
[x] Do you/your parents save ketchup packets/napkins/etc from restaurants?
[ ] Do you have Azn Pride?
Total : 4
Grand Total: 17
Now add the numbers up and multiply by 2 for your % of azn-ness
34%… Not bad!