New NitroTracker tune: Mysrysare
September 27th, 2008
NitroTracker is an FT2 style music tracker for the Nintendo DS. Download it by clicking the image above.
Say hello to a new, although crappy and slightly unfinished NitroTracker song, Mysrysare!
Listen on 8bitcollective
Download the .XM Please, only play the XM in NitroTracker, since the volume envelopes will be fucked up in other players.
Made for sybi0t’s NitroTracker compilation.
Korg DS-10 track for the Diplodocus compo
September 14th, 2008. KORG DS 10 Synthensizer (c) Activision . .$ZZO8I+I?+=. . ZZO,, ......~. .I8~. . ...,~==. I$Z=.. =$ZO$I7I$I7Z$8OZ$77.. ..I+O?=. . ...:?OND8Z8ZDDZDO8OO8ZOO$7?O78888?IZZ,. ..~7ODZ$7?$888OO88$MD8D888OOZZ$Z$$OO8ZI:. ....?8877ZZO8$88ZZOO$$8$Z88888888O7DIOD8O~:. .:Z7$$8O?7I~=+~+??O7ZZ$ZOI8DO88Z8OD8$O8+I~,... .size. ..~$$OO$?+~~~?+=:~,~$7Z?$Z788?8D8777IZ$878O=Z:. .. 64mbit .. ..~$8I==. .. .+?IOZDI+7Z7+I$7Z8ZZO$$. .date. .8OZ~. .+78O+8ZI7II7IOI?O8+? .. 27/07/08 .. .=Z+ ....... :88+78Z~:,. ?Z$8+ .D8.. .Z$=,.:$= IZ8I8DI... ?7~$. .OO ..Z$.. ... $I=.7O~ .$+O=. .~OO=.....~8~..............7=..ZI,........7=O~,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,...,........ ,.==$ZO7~=,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,:Z=,,7$,:::::::,7=OI,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,Z?Z,,~7,,::::::7=,~,::,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:::::,:: :,,::::::,:::::::,,,,:,:,,,,::::::::::::::,:,,,,,,,,,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,::,:,,,,,,, ,,:,,:,,,,,:,,,,,,,,,,,,, .-. _ .-. .-. ,,,,:::,,::,::::,,:,,,,, : ::_; : : : : ........,,,,,,,,,,,, .-' :.-..---. : : .--. .-' : .--. .--. .-..-. .--. .............,,,, ' .; :: :: .; `: :_ ' .; :' .; :' .; :' ..': :; :`._-.' . .... ....... `.__.':_;: ._.'`.__;`.__.'`.__.'`.__.'`.__.'`.__.'`.__.' .......................................................... ..... d . i . p . l . o . d . o . c . u . s ....
Oh, I’ve totally forgot to mention it here. So here comes the announcment, a month an a half too late. I made a track for the Diplodocus pirate Korg DS-10 compilation on mp3death. It’s called 1hora, meaning 1 hour, the time limit for the compo. (It was meant to be a competition, but ended up being a compilation) It’s a dirty, crappy trance tune.
It’s available from the Diplodocus page by clicking 44meg votepack.
If you need some pirate DS-10 for your NDS flash cartridge, look no further:[NDS]
Back from NorbergFestival 2008 (Video and image dump)
July 28th, 2008
Left: Foona, (Roots dub) Right: Ayhan Aydin (Illbient)
I’m back from the Norberg Festival, and I had a great time. A shout out to some of the great artists: nordloef, Foona, Dj Peter Ericsson, Bitmobilen, PH1 Axid Cerw, all of the X-Dumpians, Veqtor, AWT, Food for Animals, Ayhan Aydin and to finish off the perfect Saturday evening, some breakcore from Babyshaker and Bong-Ra.
Below is a video of my own gig. More snippets available in this Youtube playlist.
LDL by nitro2k01 (Me) Nevermind the inrt2o0k bollocks!
This brings me to another point. You might be wondering why I’m not using any Gameboys or anything on stage in those videos. Here’s the story: About two weeks before an SD card in my M3DS crashed. (I’m using the Lameboy emulator for the DS - actually pretty handy and pretty clean sound as well.) Because of this, 6 months worth of work went down the drain in an instant. I trusted an SD card to be a stable form of storage and didn’t even have a backup. (Gah!!)
So, I had to rush together a live set, using only pre-recorded material. I could’ve brought a real DMG and played some of my old stuff, but I figured I’d better just use my computer for everything this time.
Because of the data crash, I collected all the songs that I had actually recorded before the crash and made 10 CD’s that I sold on the festival. Each with a limited edition number and a hand drawn CD cover. The CD is called “Lost Tracks” due to the fact the source files for the tracks on it were lost. I wish to thank all of the people who bought a copy! I’m planning to release these songs as a free net release on OXO Unlimited, but if you’re interested in buying a physical copy with a hand drawn cover, don’t hesitate to contact me.
I’m going to use the small profit I made from it to buy a WiiMote. My plan for the future is to pre-record a number of loops and play around with on the fly using a combo of Ableton Live and Reaktor.
Left: Acid Balloon at camp303 Right: Veqtor’s Mac
New Myspace profile for nitro2k01!
June 27th, 2008Finally I’ve started a new Myspace profile. This one has music, unlike my old one ( This new has a bunch of 8-bit style delicious animated gifs and lies and deception of the caek magnitude!
So check it out! And add me! Add me! FFS, add me!
>> (<<
Stoppa FRA-lagen - Remix av Blogge’s 198FRA
June 16th, 2008Blogge gjorde två versioner med olika musik, en med Megadeth-musik och en med musik av Alicia Keys. Jag bestämde mig för att göra en variant med min låt nuracl, som passade snuskigt bra. Inte bara fångar den den dystopiska stämningen utan med en liten tidsförskjutning på en sekund så visade den sig vara väl tidssynkad också.
Men eftersom Youtube valde att knulla mig i röven och inte tillåta mig att ladda upp videor med hög ljudkvalitet med det trick som tidigare lät en undgå Youtube’s konvertering och t ex ladda upp videor med stereo så fick den hamna på Vimeo istället.
198FRA (Chip remix) from Gameboy Genius on Vimeo.
The Quest For Red Diamond (NitroTracker song)
June 15th, 2008
<3 <3 <3
I present to you my first XM created with NitroTracker, called The Quest For Red Diamond. It’s a remake of an LSDj tune but it ended becoming a whole new song. It consists almost solely of samples that I’ve synthesized myself. (The hi-hat and snare were taken from som kit, the rest is by me)
Download the XM (For NitroTracker)
Listen to the song on 8bitcollective (MP3)
I recommend you to only play the XM in NitroTracker. NT’s volume envelopes are a bit different from those of regular XM players, so some of the instruments will sound a bit tacky if played with anything but NitroTracker.
Now I’m just hoping for some feature requests for NitroTracker to come true, mainly stereo playback.
Oh, NitroTracker isn’t related to me, but got it’s name from the code name for Nintendo DS, which was Nitro. ou can still see a trace of this in that the model number for the original NDS is NTR-001.
Veqtor & 2tronik01 - Analogik2 [OXOMP3002]
June 3rd, 2008
When I’m not doing Gameboy music, I’m doing other experimental stuff. Like patcing cables and turning knobs on modular synthesizers.
This release is recorded live by me and Veqtor using a STS/Serge and Buchla Series 200 together with a spring tank reverb. On track 3 I came up with the great idea of using feedback with the reverb, which created some very eerie and moodful sounds indeed.
Available for download here:
Format: MP3 (320 kbps, 48 kHz)
Cat.No: OXOMP3002
Release date: 2008.06.03
Genre: Experimental, Rhytmic Noise, Electronic, Live Analogue Electronics
Track list
- Veqtor & 2tronik01 - Sequentrouvenchance
- Veqtor & 2tronik01 - Azimuth Wrap Zenith
- Veqtor & 2tronik01 - nLog43168
- Veqtor - Parasiticurrent Modulations
New “song” - Multi-pHasal Realms
May 12th, 2008A new song is up on 8bitcollective. Or rather a sonic landcape or what I’m supposed to call it. It’s based on Crappus Rex that I uploaded to BotB in a rush. Crappus rex is named after this blog, for a good reason. That song was made on my Gameboy with LSDj.
Multi-pHasal Realms is basically the same sound with an awful lot of effects added on top. No new elements were added, only effects on the existing sounds. The name comes from this blog post by Tim Boucher. The capital H in my title stands for pH, as in acid.
Download Multi-pHasal Realms
Upcoming netlabel release!
March 22nd, 2008For my gig this night, I produced some new material. I actually thought most of it was so good that I have decided to release it as a free netlabel release on OXO Unlimited as soon as possible. Keep an eye on this blog (Eg by clicking my huge feed button ) so you don’t miss it.
Three videos (Moshpit 2007, Moxibustor)
September 21st, 2007Please excuse the really crappy quality of these videos, but this all I got at the moment. The first one is a video of me, and the second one is of Boy vs Bacteria. The third video is a video of me playing with The Moxibustor, my glitch oscillator.
Both the videos from Moshpit are shot by Fredrik Stolpe (Cornbeast)
nitro2k01 @ Moshpit Open 2007
Boy vs Bacteria @ Moshpit Open 2007
Me playing with the first prototype of The Moxibustor.